Art Theory

Trends in Art

What is art for Fran Lebowitz?

By Abel Cervantes A few weeks ago Netflix released one of the most interesting series in recent months. Directed by Martin Scorsese and starring writer Fran Lebowitz, Pretend It’s a City exposes in 7 chapters several of the most transcendent…

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Opinion, Opinion

Image manipulation

By Camila Durán There is a confusion between some concepts related to images, specifically documentary images, many of which are part of different works of contemporary art. When someone mentions the word manipulation, viewers and readers tend to associate the…

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Art History, Art History

Are manifestos needed in art?

By Camila Durán As Eric Hobsbawm says in Fractured Times. Culture and Society in the Twentieth Century, the twentieth century was, fundamentally, the time of manifestos. The Futurists inaugurated it. In 1909 they published in Le Figaro, in France, a…

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