Editorial Selection

Our Editorial Selections 03/1

By Sybaris Collection Victor Vasarely was an artist dedicated to op art. Although he studied medicine, his interest in abstract art was more than genuine. When thinking about his name, it is common for the viewer to see the image…

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Our Editorial Selections 02/2

By Sybaris Collection A biography of one of the most famous artists in history: Vincent Van Gogh. This new material, Vincent’s Books: Van Gogh and the Writers Who Inspired Him, explores the painter’s relationship with his brother, writing, and some…

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Art History, Events, Museum Highlight

A New Museum

A new museum that combines art, science and technology was inaugurated in Sinaloa by Governor Quirino Ordaz Coppel By Sybaris Collection Mexico is one of the countries with the greatest artistic activity in the world. The construction of 10 art…

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